Houston Trial Lawyer For Employer-Employee Disputes
The relationship between an employer and employee is necessary for a business to function properly. While this mutually beneficial agreement may seem relatively straightforward, disputes are nonetheless common, and occasionally one or both parties may begin to act well outside the scope of what is lawful and acceptable.
As a trial lawyer with extensive experience in employment litigation, our founding attorney Pete Patterson has helped many clients throughout Texas resolve employment disputes. He understands how important it is to protect a business from someone who might wish to do it harm, including exposing sensitive information or trade secrets. He also understands that an employee should be protected from mistreatment at all times.
To set up a meeting regarding your employment dispute, please call us in Houston at 713-804-9318 or complete our contact form. Patterson PC represents clients throughout Texas, as well as clients with headquarters in other states.
Common Reasons For Employment Disputes
Employers and employees are afforded legal protections by thousands of rules and laws of varying complexity. At Patterson PC, we have extensive experience in all types of employer-employee disputes, and we can help you find a solution to whatever problems you may be facing.
Some common reasons for employment disputes include:
- Hour & wage disputes, including disputes regarding overtime pay
- Unlawful termination
- Breach of contract, such as with non-compete violations or non-disclosure violations
- Ownership of property (including intellectual property)
- Workplace discrimination
- Workplace harassment and other forms of workplace misconduct
- Disputes over employee benefits
To learn more about the high level of service and representation that we provide, please see our case results and client testimonials.
Contact Patterson PC Today
To schedule a meeting to discuss your employment law concerns, please call us in Houston at 713-804-9318 or complete our contact form. Patterson PC represents clients throughout the Houston area and all of Texas.